∣∣ 11th edition ∣ analog mania ∣ 2023 ∣∣
dedicated to
the small format
photo ∣ film ∣ sound ∣ object
analog art, technique and history
exhibitions ∣ installations ∣ performances
01 – 30/04 2023
∣∣ Timișoara-Romania ∣∣
Casa Tineretului ∣ Arieș Street no. 19 ∣∣ Casa Studenților ∣ Bv. Regele Carol no. 9
XI artists XI
Sasho Alushevski (Macedonia), Adrian Anastasiu (RO), Cristian Anghel (RO), Florin Arhire (RO), Sergiu Catana (RO), Marc Avila Catala (ES), Sebastian Babos (AT), Virgil Babușcov (RO), Olga Balas (RO), Gabriel Bartok (RO), Miruna Basarabă (RO), Daiana Bechir (RO), Peter Bittermann (AT), Miruna Boari (RO), Sorana Bordas (RO), Gabriela Buza (RO), Loredana Carlan (RO), Radu Carnaru (RO), Bianca Nicoleta Cernescu (RO), Enbo Chen (Finlanda), Angela Christlieb (AT), Alin Ciortea (RO), Alexandra Costea (RO), Rodica Coșarbă (RO), Alessandra D`intino (AT), Andrada Damianovskaia (RO), Cristina Desliu (RO), Damian Diaconescu (RO), Claudia Dimoiu (RO), Lorena Dumitrascu (RO), Ovidiu Dumitra (RO), Felix Dürler (AT), Early Morning Melody Records (AT), Lluís Estopinyán (ES), Georgiana Feidi (RO), Heidi Fial (AT), Daniel Furian (AT), Florian Fusco (AT), Bogdana Gliga (RO), Lis Gort (AT), Cosma Grosser (AT), Margit Hart (AT), Vali Havasi (RO), Gerald Herrmann (AT), Vjeran Hrpka (Croația), Marina Iatentiuc (RO), Iosif Ignătoaie (RO), Hans Jandl (AT, Chris Janka (AT), Ramina Jenabi (AT), Sergiu Jereb (RO), Markku Joutsen (Finlanda), Markus Kaesler (DE), Gabi Kaiser (DE), Viyan Kalayci (AT), Gabriel Kelemen (RO), Stefan Kelemen (RO), Misa Keskenovic (SLO), Emil Kindlein (RO), Natalia Kopkina (Finlanda), Patrick Kuoppamäki (Finlanda), Erwin Lackner (AT), Katri Lassila (Finlanda), Andreea Lupascu (RO), Maa Nu (RO), Matthias Macht (DE), Markus Maicher (AT), Fritz Maierhofer (AT), Christopher Mavric (AT), Linda Saskia Menczel (RO), Ernst Miesgang (AT), Isis Montagud Varillon (SP), Andreas Nader (AT), Ioana Nastase (RO), Eteri Nozadze (Georgia), Ștețcu Nuțu (RO), Julia Olah (RO), Mircea Pap (RO), Eugen Paraschivu (RO), Marius Parghel (RO), Cornel Pituț (RO), Andi Popa (RO), Silviu Preda (RO), Bogdan Puriș (RO), Wolfgand Rahs (AT), Louise Rath (AT), Marina Rebhandl (AT), Florian Reidinger (AT), Dino Rekanovic (AT), Doru Rosoga (RO), Cristina Rus (RO), Taru Samola (Finlanda), Sebastian Schager (AT), J. M. Ribas Prous (ESP), Werner Schimpl (AT), Daniela Schinderman (RO), Stephan Schwarz (AT), Shanyio-Torsan-Nedelcu (RO), Marina Santrac (RO), Beatrice Signorello (AT), Winfried Steiner (AT), Jutta Steininger (AT), Oana Stoian (RO), Cristian Simic (RO), Tania Strizu(RO), Sebastian Stefanescu (RO), Elizabeta Trankulov (RO), Gabi Teodoru (RO), Edith Temmel (AT), Flavius Ungureanu (RO), Jörg Vogeltanz (AT), Valentin Vrajitoru (RO), George Vulpescu (RO), Adam Wehsely – Swiczinsky (AT), Markus Würger (AT), Yue Yu (Finlanda), Irene Zottola Carretero (ES), Thomas Glänzel & 2nd grade students 1G class BG/BRG Klosterneuburg (AT)
XI hidden museum | technique + history exhibitions XI
side by side ∣ 100 years amateurfilm ∣ multimedia exhibition
the art of sound ∣ past + future ∣ multimedia exhibition
the mystery of the projection room ∣ multimedia exhibition
XI analog mania opening weekend XI
01/04 ∣ opening day 1 ∣ Casa Tineretului
16:00 ∣ guided tour ∣ meet the artists
17:00 ∣ Linda Saskia Menczel ∣ CODA ∣ live concert
Trio Cosmin Rafael Balean [RO] / Echoes from Ararat
Cosmin Rafael Balean– duduk, tavșvi
Cristina Struța – piano, sculpture
Ana Maria Stanoia – soprano
18:00 ∣ plattenbau crew [AT] ∣ live performance
19:00 ∣ Chris Janka [AT] ∣ Totally Mechanized Midi Orchestra ∣ live performance
Gabriel Kelemen & LERA Kelemen – “Archetypal Geometry of Cosmos” (2019) ∣ screening
02/04 ∣ opening day 2 ∣ Casa Studenților
16:00 ∣ guided tour ∣ meet the artists
17:00 ∣ Heidi Fial [AT] | Solo electric guitar + projections ∣ live concert
18:00 ∣ 16mm cinefilm centanary ∣ analog film screening
Damian Diaconescu – “Transhumanța”
Angela Christlieb – “Deja-Vu”
Bebe Costinaş – “Trei oameni şi un dulap”
Thomas Glänzel & 2nd grade students 1G class BG/BRG Klosterneuburg – “Handmade”
Markus Maicher – “I am not there” & “Into the Wild”
Cosma Grosser – “Kinotaph”
Ramina Jenabi – “Solitude”
19:00 ∣ Analog Experience | meet the artists in the lab
XI analog experience XI
Location | Casa Studenților
Bulevardul Regele Carol I Nr. 9
11:00 | Meet & Mix A.P.F.N.
19:00 | historic photo processes | session I | workshop
Location | University of Arts and Design (Facultatea de Arte şi Design)
Strada Oituz 4
11:00 | historic photo processes | session II | workshop with Misa Keskenovic
Location | Casa Studenților
Bulevardul Regele Carol I Nr. 9
19:00 | historic photo processes | session III | workshop with Damian Diaconesco and Misa Keskenovic
Location | Facultatea de Arte şi Design
Strada Oituz 4
11:00 | historic photo processes | session IV | workshop with Misa Keskenovic
Location | Casa Studenților
Bulevardul Regele Carol I Nr. 9
19:00 | KiNDLEiN live | concert
Matthias Macht [DE] – drums
Heidi Fial [AT] – doublebass
Emil Kindlein [RO] – guitar, vocals
20:30 ∣ plattenbau crew [AT] ∣ sound & scratches workshop
Location ∣ Casa Tineretului
Str. Arieș 19
(Basement Gallery)
19:00 | Premiere of Heidi Fial’s composition “Rebus” played by Chris Janka’s T.M.M.O.
19:30 | live impro session | concert
Chris Janka [AT]- guitar, midi orchestra
Emil Kindlein [RO] – guitar, harp
Matthias Macht [DE] – Drums
Heidi Fial [AT] – doublebass
XI Chris Janka’s Totally Mechanized Midi Orchestra XI
The T.M.M.O. consists of 6 robotic instruments, built of motors, relays, electromagnets and pneumatic components, which can interpret any midi file in their own way. However, the instruments are not simply conventional instruments operated by robots, but sound generators that are aware of their mechanical origin and use them as inspiration for sound production.

01/04 17:00 ∣ Chris Janka [AT] ∣ Totally Mechanized Midi Orchestra ∣ live performance ∣ Casa Tineretului
06/04 19:00 ∣ Chris Janka [AT] ∣ Totally Mechanized Midi Orchestra ∣ live impro session ∣ Casa Tineretului
XI Side by Side | Multimedia Exhibition XI
“Side by Side” is a homage to the indipendent filmmaking in Austria and Romania on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of amateur film (1923-2023). The multimedia exhibition shows rare, never-before-seen private film archive material, experimental and documentary films by independent filmmakers as well as contemporary films shot on narrow film. In addition, technical devices and historical exhibits are being presented.
A live screening on analogue projectors illustrates the different aspects of amateur film history. Films like “Transhumanța” by Damian Diaconescu [RO], “Deja-Vu” by Angela Christlieb [DE], private film recordings from 1929-1935 on 9.5mm film, “Handmade Film” by Thomas Glänzel and the 1G class BG/BRG Klosterneuburg [AT] and short films by Markus Maicher and Ramina Jenabi from Filmkoop Vienna [AT] will be screened.

01-30/04 | Exhibition at Casa Tineretului
02/04 18:00 ∣ 16mm cinefilm centanary ∣ analog film screening | Casa Studenților
curated by Heidi Fial
kindly supported by Österreichisches Kulturforum Bucarest
XI meet & mix XI
01 – 03/04 | anual meeting of the Analog Photography Festival Network [A.P.F.N.]